Sunday, January 25, 2009

Malia turns 1

Saturday, January 24, 2009 is the day Malia turned 1. We cannot believe our lil girl is 1. A year flew by so fast. Recently, we watched the video the day she was tiny and so precious. We also looked at her photo album and saw all the changes in her. From her birth weight of 7lbs. 7oz. and 20" long to 17lbs. 12oz. and 29" long. We enjoyed all her milestones up until the day she turned 1:

her first smile
her first giggle
rolling over on her stomach
tummy time
sleeping through the night
sleeping in her crib
eating solids
pulling herself up to stand
saying Mama and Dada

Malia's getting really close to walking. She loves holding Mama or Dada's hand to walk. One of her favorite words is "Wow!" Malia's now drinking Whole Vitamin D milk. Malia's beginning to eat "adult" food. So far Malia has tried cheese quesadilla and Spanish rice.

Malia had her first sweets on her birthday...Malia didn't eat her actual birthday cake, but licked a lil of her frosting on her cake. Her cake was a marble cake with raspberry filling and buttercream frosting in purple and pink. We celebrated Malia's 1st birthday at our favorite mexican restaurant-Valle Sol. We played a couple of games-"Guess how many Cherrios", "Find a Word"-custom made by Daniel. He included all the words that had to do with Malia like all her stuffed animal names. Dina's parents did a raffle for two winners. The celebration lasted about 3 hours. It was a very nice intimate celebration with close friends and family....we all missed Grandma Jane, Grandpa Bill and Nana Edna!

Malia & cousin Taylor

Pall Pall & Malia

Grand Auntie DuAnne, Pall Pall, Malia & Mommy

Friends-Mike, Dylan, Yvonne, Mommy & Malia

Grand Auntie Pat & Malia

Auntie Christine & Malia

Cousin Marisa & Malia (btw, she didn't close her eyes due to the flash-this is her sily smile during picture time :))

Cousin Lori & Malia

1 comment:

Danny Saiz said...

wow! You did a great job putting this together. Thanks for posting all these great pics. I can't believe our daughter is 1. She's so cute.