Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pickin' a Winner!

Malia will be 11 months on Christmas Eve. How time is flying! Malia's been discovering new things these days...her latest has been picking her nose. We tell her in Chinese its dirty..."Jah Jah" she repeats us and thinks its funny so she continues to pick her nose and starts laughing!! Isn't it funny how a baby picking their nose is cute, but if an adult picked their nose it would be gross....hee hee
Date taken: 10DEC08 (10 1/2 months old)

Date taken: 08DEC08 (10 1/2 months old)


Danny Saiz said...

uhh... no, it's still gross when a baby does it. Malia Jah Jah!!!!

Brandon said...

Actually....he took MY comment. Yuck Yuck!! (That's some other language for dirty). =)