Monday, January 19, 2009

Malia's 1st Road Trip-San Diego, Day 3

Day 3...New Year's Day. Happy 2009!! We decided that today would be a good day to go to the San Diego zoo. This day turned out to be the perfect day; the weather was sunny and nice in the low 70's. We woke up about 8:30am and went to Denny's (again) for breakfast.

We got to the zoo about 10am. The admission was a lil pricey...$35, but we were excited that Daniel got a 10% discount (woo hoo!) for having served in the Navy...every lil bit counts :p Our first stop was Daniel's favorite..the flamingoes. So beautiful! Then we headed to the atrium...Daniel loved this as a kid and remembered it to be so big, but now being 32, he said the atrium isn't as big as he remembered. Hmm... I wonder why?

Then we saw the gorillas. There was a mama gorilla nurturing her baby... so sweet. After the gorillas, we saw a hippo. We hoped that the hippo would get in the water - as Abel mentioned hippos looked like lil ballerinas under water - but no go. The hippo just turned around and teased us and just laid down and never went in the water. Oh well, next time.

During the time we were at the zoo, the pandas were there. We had to see them so we stood in line (Daniel stood in line while Dina hit the gift shop). The line wasn't as bad as it looked. As we entered the panda area, to our dismay there was only 1 panda that paced back and forth, back and forth. It was still cute to see.

As we were heading over to the tigers, Christina called and let us know she and Jeremiah were at the zoo to meet up with us. Malia got to meet Uncle Jeremiah and let him know that she was dancing to his music when Daddy was watching Uncle Jeremiah's band-"The Silent Comedy"... our cute lil dancing, grooving baby girl. Daniel and I were starving and Malia also had to eat lunch so we hung out with Christina and Jeremiah as we ate lunch... nowhere near as good as Grandma Saiz's food. Anyways, it was something to tie us over.

After lunch we all headed over to the giraffe's-Auntie Christina's favorite animal. Then we saw the elephants. Malia liked the elephants. Malia waved "hi" to the elephants... so cute! We saw rhinoceros and llamas. Malia was getting tired from watching her Daddy carry her all around the park, up and down the hills, so she fell asleep in her stroller. Malia didn't get to see the koalas but Mommy and Daddy did. The mama koala was nurturing her baby... so sweet!

After the koalas, we visited the gift shops, Mommy's favorite thing to do. We bought Malia two big stuffed animals. One was a koala and the other was a panda. Then of course we bought Malia's favorite- a bunch of books... very cool. We haven't given the books to her yet since she would devour them before we could actually read them to her ;p

Well, that was our adventurous day. We headed back to the hotel to finally get some rest.....

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